Spotlight on History: Great Mothers of Church History

Why are we so excited about producing Unbreakable Church? Because it is bursting with wonderful stories of people who fell in love with Jesus and transformed the world around them. Some of the greatest unsung heroes are mothers. Let me tell you the inspirational stories of a few of them:  Perpetua and Felicity – You may recognize the […]

[Video] Why “Unbreakable Church”? What Makes It Unique?

Let me introduce you to our Executive Producer, Brian Kelley, a crucial piece in our adventure to produce Unbreakable Church: We’re truly blessed to have someone with such ample experience and background in filmmaking, directing, producing, scriptwriting, etc. on our team. Back in mid-2022, when we were introduced to Brian Kelley and I was able […]

Spotlight on History: Gladys Aylward

The year was 1930 when a young Christian woman decided to brave it all and follow the Lord’s calling on her life. She didn’t have much, and to many, there certainly wasn’t anything too special about her. She was but an unmarried woman with no prospects who worked as a humble maid in London.  Yet God had seen […]

Investing in the Eternal

Not only are we in a cultural war, we are in a spiritual war It is estimated that young people today spend an average of 9 hours per day in front of a screen. Most of the content they watch is entertainment at best, and dangerous at worst. The ideas and concepts pushed by massive, secular companies such […]

The Adventure Continues

“The Church may go through her dark ages, but Christ is with her in the midnight.” Charles Spurgeon In July we released our long-expected promotional video for a docu-series on Church History called “Unbreakable Church”. Many of you responded with kind words of encouragement and support for this exciting new project. In case you missed […]

What Is Unbreakable Church?

“Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded his empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for him.” Napoleon Bonaparte Why should something that happened long ago be important to us today? As Edmund Burke […]