Official Promo Video

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What is
Unbreakable Church?

Why should something that happened long ago be important to us today? As Edmund Burke once warned: “Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.”

Unbreakable Church is an attempt to make Church History relevant to our modern era. This documentary series, filmed in the Middle East and Europe with a professional film crew, will be tailored to make Church History simple, versatile, and applicable to daily life.

The goal is to inspire us to pursue Christ as the heart and soul of our churches and lives, while being warned by the endless dangers His Church has faced in the past.

Help us make unbreakable church a reality!

Being a faith-based and faith-driven project, we can’t do this alone! If you’d like to help us make this documentary and reach many lives, please prayerfully consider partnering with us. On the right is information on how to do so.

Funding Received


(1) make out your check to “Christian Worker’s Fellowship”
(2) with a memo or separate note “For Unbreakable Church c/o Christopher Mattix”, and
(3) send it to the following address:

Christian Workers Fellowship
PO Box 12347
Kansas City, KS 66112

GiveSendGo is a simple, yet effective way to raise funds for a variety of ministries and projects, created to protect faith-based organizations from being “cancelled”, while enabling a great form of fundraising.

Please use this link to send your gift:

Unbreakable Church

*Note: A small part of your donation stays with GiveSendGo, so they can cover operational costs and help other ministries.

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