Trip Itinerary for Season One – October 2024

Here’s the Latest:

1. We’ve purchased all of our flights to film Season One. Follow this link to view our itinerary or read on for the highlights. 

2. We’ve contacted all of our key interviewees overseas – Beth Peltola, Jerry Mattix, Marc Madrigal, and Corrado Primavera (new!) – with each setting aside a day to meet with us. 

3. We’ve signed an official contract with our Head Cinematographer – Cole Phail – which is a massive step for us!

Takeoff: Going “Across the Pond”

Our team, comprising of Christopher Mattix (Director/Producer), Genesis Mattix (co-Director, 2nd camera), Cole Phail (Head Cinematographer), and Luther Mattix (9-month old baby!), will be heading to Europe via Atlanta for 23 days in early October 2024.

First Stop: Jetlag and “Big Ben”

London: During our short stint here, we will focus on getting over jetlag, sightsee downtown London, and interview a key guest – Beth Peltola.

Second Stop: The Wonders of Asia Minor

Izmir (Smyrna): A believer and friend of the family will be picking us up and hosting us during our time from Izmir (Smyrna). We will do a bit of sightseeing in here, before heading South.

Kusadasi: Not 30 minutes away is the city of Seljuk (Ephesus), but there aren’t many great places to stay, so we will be spending our nights in this touristy beach town.

Seljuk (Ephesus): A crucial historical city, a must stop on a tour of the ancient world. We will begin our storytelling sequence here, speaking about one of the most famous disciples of the Apostle John – Polycarp of Smyrna, who spend most of his life between Smyrna and this city. 

Third Stop: Nicea and Constantinople

Iznik (Nicea): Once the famed palace of Constantine, many don’t realize that modern-day Iznik is home to some remarkable history. The Council of Nicea of 325 AD and the stand for truth by Alexander of Alexandria being perhaps the greatest moment here. We will also be telling the story of another who was at this critical event, then deacon and disciple of Alexander – Athanasius of Alexandria.

Istanbul (Constantinople): This massive, burgeoning city with non-stop traffic and hordes of tourists from around the world will be an important stop for us. It will allow us to meet up with an important interviewee for our project – Marc Madrigal. Of course, we relish the chance to walk the ancient city streets, bazaars, churches (turned into mosques), etc.

Forth Stop: Beaches and Forgotten History

Famagusta (Salamis): Our stop in Northern Cyprus will include some wonderful time with family, but also a key interview with my brother – Jerry Mattix. Throughout history, the small island of Cyrus was critical in controlling trade across the Mediterranean, but also served as a launching-point for many Christian endeavors, beginning with Paul and Barnabas’ First Missionary Journey.

Fifth Stop: On to the “Bel Paese”

Rome: A city which needs no introduction! We look forward to seeing so many crucial and spectacular locations in the “Eternal City”. A good friend and missionary – Dan Pasquale – will be our guide throughout our time here, and we also look forward to an interview with Corrado Primavera, a pastor in the city.

Milan: A quick, 3-hour bullet train ride to Milan will be our last major stop before heading home. Aside from all the wonderful sights and sounds (and pasta!), we will wrap-up “Season One” with one of the most important and wonderful stories of transformation in Church History – that of Augustine of Hippo, whose public baptism in this city many years ago would be the pinacle of an incredible journey well worth repeating.

Our Work is Not Done Yet…

Planning a massive 23-day filming trip is no small feat. Airline tickets, hotel reservations, busses and train schedules, meals, etc. Not to mention packing bags and equipment, getting over jetlag, setting up interviews and contact persons, working through language and culture barriers, all while remembering to bring along enough baby food and diapers…

Thank you for your prayers and support!


Christopher R. Mattix
